Security forces and Intelligence...The most human-rights violators in Iran

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It's known that religious and ethnic minorities have the largest share of executions in Iran which ranks second in it after China , according to Amnesty International. Adding to the  religious and ethnic minorities , prisoners of conscience and opponents.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is the world's most human-rights violator. Human Rights Watch(HRW) confirmed that security forces and intelligence are the most human-rights violators in Iran in 2015. The authorities have repeatedly imposed severe restrictions on freedom of expression and opposition.

Most of social media activists , artists and journalists have faced harsh sentences on suspicious security charges, and dozens of political activists and human-rights defenders were put into prisons due to their peaceful and occupational activities .

The Iranian authorities announced on August 20,2016 executing 20 with charge of " fighting Allah " and the convicts were convicted by revolutionary courts after being accused of belonging to an opposition group described by Iran as "terrorist".

Human Rights Watch documented more than 230 executions between January and August 2016, so Iran is the regional leader in executions.

In 2015 , according to HRW, Iran executed about 966 to 1055 people . The organization documented also 4 cases of executing teenagers in 2015 , in a violation of Iran's commitment to the international law .

One of the most prominent executions in 2015 and 2016 is the execution of Shahram Amiri, an Iranian scientist specializing in nuclear physics in August 2016.

According to Amnesty International figures , Iran executed 694 people in 7 months last year, with 3 daily executions. In the first month of 2015, 27 Sunni sheikhs and preachers were sentenced to death for propaganda against the regime.